Thursday, June 25, 2009

Have I Wasted My Life?

It seems that our world is very materialistic. I certainly enjoy material things. In fact, I can usually always think of something material that I would like to have -- a newer car, house, furniture, vacation to an exotic place . . . I have been more materialistic in the past than I am currently. I am still not exacrly where I want to be, as far as not being materialistic goes.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit a house with one of the church groups that I help with. This particular home was built by a husband and wife and it was their "dream home." They lived their whole life for this house and invested everything that they have in it. I must say that it is impressive and quite unique. I asked the owners what they planned to do now that they have accomplished their life's goal. They said, "sell it and build something bigger."

Since yesterday, I have thought about my life and what I want to leave behind. Although I'd like to have unlimited wealth, and possessions I realize that God may have different plans for me. It's probably more lasting to leave a leagcy of investing my life in people. Those who invest time and resources in people may not ever be recognized for it down here, but God I think that God is pleased. What do you invest your life in?
James 4:14 -- Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

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