Thursday, June 25, 2009

Have I Wasted My Life?

It seems that our world is very materialistic. I certainly enjoy material things. In fact, I can usually always think of something material that I would like to have -- a newer car, house, furniture, vacation to an exotic place . . . I have been more materialistic in the past than I am currently. I am still not exacrly where I want to be, as far as not being materialistic goes.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit a house with one of the church groups that I help with. This particular home was built by a husband and wife and it was their "dream home." They lived their whole life for this house and invested everything that they have in it. I must say that it is impressive and quite unique. I asked the owners what they planned to do now that they have accomplished their life's goal. They said, "sell it and build something bigger."

Since yesterday, I have thought about my life and what I want to leave behind. Although I'd like to have unlimited wealth, and possessions I realize that God may have different plans for me. It's probably more lasting to leave a leagcy of investing my life in people. Those who invest time and resources in people may not ever be recognized for it down here, but God I think that God is pleased. What do you invest your life in?
James 4:14 -- Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Car Insurance -- GRRRRRRR!

Well, it's that time again -- to buy car insurance. I hate this time of year. Once upon a time, I worked in my family's business -- part of which was a property and casualty insurance agency. I have definitely sat in my fair share of continuing education meetings that were required by the state of Georgia. Even with that, I still hate shopping for car insurance.

It used to be that you had to get into the phone book and call around for rates. Rates are always different, depending on which company you call. Now, it's much easier to shop for insurance because the internet has put all the information at your finger tips. But it is still frustrating to me!

The whole time I lived in Utah, and part of the time I lived in Ohio -- I had insurance with one of the "Big Companies." I never shopped, I just renewed -- year after year. Then, when I finally needed my insurance company -- they really let me down (another story for another time). So, I decided that I was going to divorce my big company. This has resulted in continued shopping every 6 months or so.

Two years ago, I found a company that I was really excited about. They saved me a lot of money. But, after two years, it seems that they have inflated their price. I haven't had any claims with them -- so it's time to shop again. After days of searching on and off -- I finally found another company that was even cheaper. The great thing is, they write 12 month policies, so I don't have to do this again for another year. The bad news is that I am sure I will be shopping again one day. Things are always changing. I guess that's life.